Post Tagged with: "seduction"

Are All Women A Little Bisexual?

In A Word: No. There is a long-standing stereotype that women’s sexuality is more fluid than that of men — also known as the “all woman are a little bisexual” theory. The thing that annoys me about this stereotype is that it plays into the (mostly male) fantasy that there is some secret code or […]

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Report: Marilyn Monroe Was Bisexual And Seduced Elizabeth Taylor

What is your opinion on this report? Please read and let me know! Marilyn Monroe was the darling of an entire generation. Women wanted to be her and men wanted to have her. She became one of the most well known icons in the history of Hollywood due to her gracious beauty and unparalleled sex […]

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Inject New Juice To Your Sex Life!

Oh my god, I just re-read my post yesterday and I’ve noticed an amazing amount of typos and grammar mistakes! Yes, my native tongue is not English BUT I normally do better than that, I guess it was the effects of the alcohol and excessive sex during the weekend. 🙂 Anyway… This morning a friend […]

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Bisexuality Beliefs

I hope by now, you know that most of our beliefs are not really our beliefs BUT the beliefs we have adopted from our well intended parents, tutors or teachers. What we believe about sex was also one day deeply embedded in our subconscious mind by other people and the worst part is we didn’t […]

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What’s the TRUE Female Sexual Orientation? A: BISEXUAL

A number of sex studies confirm that the majority of the female population is somewhat bisexual or encounter bisexuality during their lifetime. YET most teenage girls are typically exposed only heterosexuality or homosexuality, which makes it hard for them to grasp bisexuality when they become adults. This is the reason why there are so many […]

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Bisexuality is NOT a Label it is a Lifestyle Choice!

During the spring of 2008, I cannot recall (nor I want to recall) the number of times I’ve heard on television: “Is the United States ready for a woman or black person to be President?” Just think about that stupid question for a second… Are they trying to tell me that the United States is […]

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Are Women Ambisexual?

People who can use their right and left hand equally are called: ‘ambidextrous’ W.H. Masters and V.E. Johnson used the term “ambisexual” in their books Human Sexual Response and Homosexuality in Perspective, to refer to a person who is sexually attracted to both men and women to the same degree. The term does not seem […]

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The Identity of Bisexual Women

I enjoy sex as much with men as I do with women. Each gender represents a complete different experience! However I haven not yet assumed a bisexual identity! Identity is an umbrella term used throughout the social sciences to describe an individual’s comprehension of him or herself as a discrete, separate entity. Identity may be […]

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