Laci Green

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It had to be said. This is what Im adressing: Zinnias amazing vid:

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  1. PolymorphicPenguin says:

    Thank you for making this video. I am so thankful that someone is addressing this controversy in a calm manner without threatening violence.

  2. ApocalypticTankGirl says:

    Thanks for the reply. I’m watching ZJ’s video now!
    I chat to AmishMachinery on Skype already… she’s awesome. 🙂

  3. socrates856 says:

    Laci just strikes me as a tad naive and with a certain set of preconceptions. Many people are like that and it’s not really grounds for harsh treatment. Her apology was about as good as one gets these days. And the real problem is that people cannot take apologies and corrective measures anymore. They continue to persecute. The level of social acceptability of persecutions online is way too high. I have no problem with vigorous criticism and disagreement but that’s left so often it’s not good.

  4. Coquipirate says:

    (cont) but for trans people, gender identity can be a very pervasive part of their lives. Saying it would go away if society wasn’t policing gender dismisses their very real issues

  5. Coquipirate says:

    Zinnia made a great video (I linked in the description), and it would probably be better if you asked an actual trans youtuber like AmishMachinery, but the main thing that the feminist theory of gender lacks is a distinction between gender identity and gender expression. Gender expression is socially constructed, varying from culture to culture, but gender identity is very personal. Many cis gendered people don’t realize they have a gender identity since it’s never been a problem for them (cont)

  6. ApocalypticTankGirl says:

    (cont) it was countering the heteronormative rhetoric it must be taking the perspective of trans people into account. I want to understand people and not just project my POV onto them… 🙁
    I feel guilty.

  7. Coquipirate says:

    eh, It’s not like Laci doesn’t make a lot of stuff on resisting pressure. Whenever she makes a video about sex, that niche of feminists will ALWAYS ask for more about dealing with male pressure, but this is more sex +/- drama. Yeah I went through the links, but for the vid, I tried to keep it general. I didn’t want to make a super long vid

  8. Coquipirate says:

    eh, It’s not like Laci doesn’t make a lot of stuff on resisting pressure. Whenever she makes a video about sex, that niche of feminists will ALWAYS ask for more about dealing with male pressure, but this is more sex +/- drama. Yeah I went through the links, but for the vid, I tried to keep it general. I didn’t want to make a super long vid

  9. thornisdan says:

    lol tumblr drama. Someone had to say it.
    Actually I read all the links and I think strawberreli has some good points up there. Especially the third link. You probably shouldn’t hate someone over it however.

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