Top 10 hottest Les/bi Women

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I made it acording to me and what i thought. I put all the subtitles and i know im wrong at the end. sorry for that. I hope you enjoy it 😉 La lista la hice de acuerdo a mi criterio. Le puse los subtitulos al video para quienes no hablan ingles. Espero que lo disfruten!

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  1. marieharrison92 says:

    song is called no past land by red russian

  2. yaterbugable says:


  3. gridergirl says:

    she is? well then, i guess she’s bi. still missing on the list, tho

  4. CremaDeLecheBatida says:

    Amber Heard is dating with Johnny Depp

  5. CremaDeLecheBatida says:

    cybill shepherd es lesbi?, no sabia.
    y kristen stewart tambien?, no puede ser,.-

  6. queerasfolkfan100 says:

    ellen…what are you doing?? hahahah

  7. vjmg16 says:


  8. sushinami48 says:

    Nice 😛

  9. Dunkke16 says:

    Isn’t it obvious?

  10. ngocsieu says:

    If Kristen Stewart ‘s in closet, why do u know ?

  11. heartsdivinexx says:

    Okay replace Kristen Stewart with Amber Heard as Stewart has never said she was bi. Also I wouldn’t even include Megan Fox as I get the impression she just claimed she was bi for attention. Idk who else I would replace her with though. And I love Kstew but she just has never said she was les or bi.

  12. heartsdivinexx says:

    Okay replace Kristen Stewart with Amber Heard as Stewart has never said she was bi. Also I wouldn’t even include Megan Fox as I get the impression she just claimed she was bi for attention. Idk who else I would replace her with though. And I love Kstew but she just has never said she was les or bi.

  13. Dunkke16 says:

    From The L Word, she plays Shane.

  14. Dunkke16 says:

    Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie are openly bisexual. Kristen Stewart is still in the closet.

  15. ngocsieu says:

    why the hell u think Megan Fox, Angelina Joly, Kristen steward ‘re les/bi ? They ‘r absolutely straight !

  16. PCD2KSA says:

    totaly agree but i will but katherine numb 2

  17. maddylizzfire says:

    kristen stewert. all the way as thehottest. its the eyes

  18. justthebestgolfer says:

    Whos the number 3 girl??? What does she do?

  19. justthebestgolfer says:

    LOL..Yea that was what I was goin write:) I first saw her in the Johnny Depp movie RUM Diaries. I was like damn who the hell is

  20. AlysoN654 says:

    Really? wheres Whitney Mixter & Sara bettencourt?!!?!? 😛

  21. joliefille84 says:

    Mega Fox, no creo que lo sea, sobre Kristen uhhh tengo dudas sobre las otras completamente si lo son aunque me hubiera gustado que este Mia Kirshner …… y Portia de Rossi si es muy linda ¡¡¡¡

  22. jklp180 says:

    magan why

  23. SallyBork says:

    all opinion is,my 3 most favourite,oh I love them-Megan,Kate and Kris are not gay but also I dont think they are straight.Megan is bisexual certainly,but kate and kris Im not sure but I think they are BI..

  24. monicatvtv1 says:

    megan fox is the best… hot hot

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